Research and development project management

We will support you planning and managing your research, development and innovation projects

Financial engineering

Search for financing

We will help you finding the best way to finance your innovation projects and we will support you setting up your administrative documents and proposals : public funding (H2020,Eurostars,etc), private funding (seed capital),self-financing…

Setting up R&D project

Writting and building up your innovation project

With its experience and its network in the field of chemical engineering and process engineering, our team will help you in the phase of looking for scientific partners. Then we will support you building up your collaborative projects.

Project management

Innovation project leading

We will support you in the deployment of your projects by hosting the scientific meetings with your partners and by keeping tracks of the projects.



We will train you for the management of your R&D project

We can offer trainings programs in order to introduce you to the financial engineering methods and tools of innovation and project management .

You have a project ? Contact us !

8 + 12 =

Find out about our others services

Chemical R&D services

Scientific marketing services